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Official Joe Biden Dark Brandon Meme Shirt
I would dare to say that a Official Joe Biden Dark Brandon Meme Shirt Mars landing aboard Starship can happen even earlier than 2029, perhaps in the first half of 2027. Why? In the first place, the rapid unscheduled disassembly of SN9 we saw today is nothing more than one of the possible results of testing a prototype to its limits. Sure, we all wanted to see that rocket land in one piece. But to be fair, the act of launching a stainless steel giant silo into the air, bringing it down to earth with a wonderful bellyflop maneuver, and relighting its massive engines just a few hundred meters above the ground is a great achievement in itself. I feel the big media news sites are not being fair with the development of this vehicle, putting too much emphasis on the “booms,” and making people believe that Starship is just a big flying bomb. But those of us who have been following the progress of this rocket for years know that SpaceX is achieving the impossible with Starship.

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