I would give you the moon shirt
trimmings and pomp his Yuan dynasty was simply a front for I would give you the moon shirt the Mongol occupation and control of China. he set up a caste system which placed the native Chinese population on the bottom in their own country. even with China occupied he was not content and engaged in military adventures which were total fails. he nor any of the Mongol occupation force would want to be mistaken for Chinese. the Mongols were among the worst imperialist/colonial powers in history but Kublai was the best of a bad crew. Conn Iggluden wrote a series of 5 books called The Conqueror series. They begin with Genghis early life and how his father died and how his family were forced out of the tribe to Genghis death, his son Ogedei’s reign and his Grandson Mongke’s reign, they are gripping and brilliant – I can’t recommend them highly enough. There is a series on Netflix called Marco Polo which is centered around the reign of Kubai Khan and is also very good and loosely based on fact.

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Boy oh boy do we have a lot to discuss, and I cannot wait to get started. The Chasin’ The Racin’ Podcast Needhams Motorcycles Doncaster Shirt begins with the Guardians of the Galaxy; Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket (Raccoon) and Baby Groot, who have been hired to take out a giant octopus looking alien. They argue, they bicker, they feel like a fresh team- and yes, this film picks up a mere 6-months following the first film, so the Guardians would still be getting used to each other. But- man, all the dynamics were off. Rather than the fun, witty banter we had in the first film, we now get a Rocket and a Star-Lord who actually genuinly don’t like each other. It is no longer fun banter, but serious, depressing banter. Star-Lord almost seemed like he had had enough with Rocket and wanted him out of the group. Meanwhile Groot just seemed so useless and more of a liability than an actual team member- why didn’t they leave him on the ship? Drax and Gamora were the only ones who were somewhat similiar to how they were in the original film. In this film three, four really, new individuals join the Guardians team; Yondu Udonta, Nebula, Kraglin new character Mantis. These newcomers are welcome additions to the Guardians crew, especially with their respective relationships with Peter Quill, Gamora and Drax as we came to uncover. But the dynamics between the core five are off somewhat. I am also under the impression that this film should have had Star-Lord and Gamora dating at the beginning- this film implies that although the team has been together six months, these two adults can’t ask each other out? They should have been a couple going into the film.
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