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more than 2 kids and you are the parent’s house Sorry not everyone can come. The restrictions get even worse. In California. If you comply with that no more than 3 household rule. You then have create 6 feet between each person on all directions and wear a mask. That is one very large table (about 4 times the size of most tables) then you need space to make put this huge table Oh you can go to the bathroom, in your hosts home, but it basically has to be sterilized after each use. Maybe you can have an outdoor gathering in California in December, but try a North east state where it is extremely cold in December. Do you want to eat your dinner and enjoy your family with snow falling on your head in freezing weather. I don’t,. This is how the Government Grinch steals Christmas.

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In the winter I can go snowshoeing, cross country skiing and downhill skiing and perhaps throw in a Save the tomboys gender nonconforming girls are not trans Shirt ice fishing. I’m not a hunter, but those who hunt will find deer and bear up the wazoo along with wild turkey, quail, pheasant, rabbit, coyote and many other game species. If you can’t bag game in New Jersey, then you aren’t a very good hunter. On the downside there is the traffic. It can be bad, but nowhere nearly as bad as some other places in the US where I have lived and traveled (hello Washington DC area and LA!). Taxes and cost of living are high. I’m paying $1,100 a month in rent for a tiny (700 sq ft.) log cabin that doesn’t have a single closet. It is also miles from any mass transit and the nearest supermarket. In may other states I can have quite a nice house for that money. It costs LOT to live in NJ.
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