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it with. My birthday is not a Lsu tigers 2023 ncaa men’s baseball college world series champions official logo shirt to celebrate, I was conceived on a one night stand and was ill treated all my life by my mother as a consequence. Every Christmas was miserable and another reason for my parents to fight over money. I am not religious but I hate that it has become a commercial day all about greed and who can outdo the next person. People all of a sudden spend one or two days thinking about homeless people and walk past them the rest of the year. We have lost the true meaning of Christmas and Christianity is not just for Christmas. New year’s, just an excuse for a drink or 10 and people to promise things that they will have forgotten about a week or two later. Let’s make changes for the better when we realise things are not good, not make a reason to be miserable about two weeks later because you have failed. I honestly celebrate the small victories and accomplishments when they happen and try to live a good life and be a nice person all of the time and I am happy most of the time. Celebrate every day you wake up on the right side of the ground and vow to make the world a better place every day.

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I don’t know if I can think of 12 things. If you are thinking of getting a fresh cut tree consider a original cruel summer eras tour devils roll the dice shirt, you know with the root ball. After as short indoor stay, plant the tree. If you do decide on fresh cut when finished with it use it for cover in your back yard or along a hedgerow in the country. Perhaps smear some peanut butter covered pop corn. This will provide some cover for wild critters. Decorate your out door trees with bird seed or pieces of suet(up on a branch). Clean up a mile of road in your area. Go visit a nursing home -the elderly always love to see people, just visit with them, they always have good stories Clean out your closets and take your give away especially hats, coats, and gloves to the salvation army. Volunteer serving Christmas dinner at your local shelter. Offer to walk the dogs at the local animal shelter.Go ice skating/sledding- weather permitting. Bake some cookies and take them to the police station, fire department, any first responders.. Sorry could only come up with ten. Merry Christmas!
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