Dallas Mavericks Western Conference Champions 2024 shirt
Dallas Mavericks Western Conference Champions 2024 shirt
There is a lot of Dallas Mavericks Western Conference Champions 2024 shirt between plants and animals . Animals are the ones who have something called as the “Central Nervous System”.This is the collection of all nerves and the brain. In order to perceive something a nerve must sense an impulse and send it to the brain.The brain then processes it and understands the situation.The CNS is completely absent in plants. In absence of brain they also do not have memory and emotions. The plants are hence born in a deep state of sleep .They live in a deep sleep and die in a deep sleep.Plants do not have any connection with its family since it’s birth.But animals do experience mother’s love , have attachment to spouse and pamper children. Moreover plants do not have any LANGUAGE.This makes them free of any knowledge.They do not know what pain,fear and death means.They do not know what is love and family.They neither they know that they are living. Humans certainly need food to survive.Killing plants which have no idea of “what death means” is exponentially harmless when compared to killing an animal which has all fears and emotions.

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